Tim Chalmers

Your Computer Consultants, Inc. (Your Computer Guy)

4660 NE Belknap Ct. Suite 101N
Hillsboro, OR 97124
Phone: (503) 846-0825


  • Onsite or Remote Problem Solving for Systems and Networks
  • All Microsoft Windows versions for home, office or servers
  • Virus Control, Data Backup Services, Disaster Planning
  • Onsite or Remote Troubleshooting, Upgrades, Custom Built Systems
  • PC, Server, Network Setup and Training

Providing IT services for small businesses and individuals. We can take the frustration out of dealing with your computer problems so that you can focus on your business. Desktop PCs, servers, upgrades, networks, Microsoft Windows operating systems, data backups, virus control, system setup, repairs. Preventive system maintenance can stop those aggravating system crashes. Please call for a "no obligation" assessment.

Products Supported:

AntiVirus Products / Bitlocker (Microsoft) / Firewalls / Keepass / Libre Office / OpenOffice / Microsoft Excel / Microsoft Office / Microsoft Outlook / Microsoft Windows / QuickBooks / Sonicwall Firewall/VPN Appliances / Spideroak Backup / Synology NAS Systems / Vivaldi Browser

Services Provided:

Backup Systems, Setup & Evaluation / Computer Build/Repair, Selection / Firewalls / HIPAA Compliance / Network Maintenance / Training On-site / Web Browser Support

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